December 10, 2024

What to Do When You’re on Your Period in Ramadan

What to Do When You’re on Your Period in Ramadan

Ramadan is a month of fasting, worship, reflection, and spiritual growth observed by Muslims around the world. During this time, Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, and engaging in other physical needs during the daylight hours.  

However, if you’re a woman, you know you will be missing some fasts during the holy month. Women on their periods are exempt from fasting and praying and are required to make up their fasts at a later time.    

Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri mentions that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) clearly stated that a woman in menstruation may neither pray nor fast. She is required to compensate by fasting later on.

Aishah said:  “It happened to us, and we were ordered to fast later in compensation, but not to compensate for missed prayers.”  

Not being able to carry out two of the main acts of worship during the month of Ramadan due to periods can make you feel left out or disconnected spiritually. But there are many things to do in Ramadan and reap the rewards this blessed month has to offer, even when you’re on your menses.  

Make a Dua’a List

Create a list of dua’a and use it during times of day when dua’a is accepted (morning, afternoon, right before Maghrib, in the last third of the night). Try to also memorize a new dua’a every day and understand its meaning to strengthen your sincerity.  

Increase Dhikr

Whether you’re resting, working, cleaning, cooking or driving, keep the remembrance of Allah on your tongue. There is a plethora of adhkar with beautiful rewards – rewards that will be multiplied in the blessed month of Ramadan – like SubhanAllah, Alhumdulillah, Allahu Akbar.  

Increase in Charitable Acts

The reward of good deeds is increased during this blessed month, and that includes giving in charity. Charitable acts are not just limited to monetary donations — volunteering with a non-profit organization, preparing iftar or suhoor for those who are fasting, and even smiling in the face of your sisters counts as sadaqah.  

Recite the Quran and Read Translation

Maintain a strong connection to the Quran and take the time to reflect on the word of Allah. If you hold the opinion that it is impermissible to touch or recite the Quran during your menses, read a good translation or listen to Tafsir lectures.  

Seek Islamic Knowledge

Set aside time to watch Islamic lectures or read Islamic literature to increase your knowledge and receive reminders.  

Keep a Gratitude Journal

Reflect on His blessings and express your gratitude to The One who has given us so, so much.    

Be kind to yourself

There is a blessing in the break from praying and fasting Allah SWT gives women during their periods. If you cannot fast in Ramadan, take this time to take care of yourself by resting, eating healthy and staying hydrated.


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