March 4, 2024

Mariam’s Story

“My ex-husband attacked me after I decided to leave and went to my parents for refuge. He came under the guise of apologizing and begging me to come back. When I told him I would only come back if he got help, he lost it. I knew then that he was never planning on fixing things, he just couldn’t accept me leaving. He attacked me in front of my parents.

I still carry the scars he left on my face from that day.

The police came, took him away and took me to the hospital. At the hospital, they connected me to Nisa Homes. Nisa Homes was then able to support me even after I left the hospital and went back to my parents.

I was traumatized and couldn’t leave my house for weeks; I couldn’t even look in the mirror without breaking down. They help me get counselling and assigned me a caseworker who helped me figure out my future plans. Alhumdulillah, through the help of Nisa Homes I completed my diploma and secured a job I love!

Through their help I’ve regained my confidence, I wear my scars with pride, because I survived.”

*This story is based on a real Nisa Homes’ client. However, details and names have been changed to protect the identities of all involved.


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Meet Shaheen Auckbaraullee, our Interim Executive Director!

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Shaheen Auckbaraullee as Interim Executive Director of Nisa Foundation, effective October 1st, 2024.



Hala’s Story - A Mother’s Journey from Gaza to Canada

Discover Hala’s powerful story of escaping war-torn Gaza with her children, the challenges of resettling in Canada, and how Nisa Foundation is providing vital support to families fleeing crisis. Learn how you can help.



Our Collective Responsibility to Stand Against Injustice

Our advocacy for Palestine, alongside our commitment to serving women locally, reflects our mission to be a voice for those silenced by crisis.

Your donation protects
women & children