February 26, 2024

Fatima’s Story

“When I was 13 years old, a family-friend sexually assaulted me.

He continued to do so for five more years until I finally built up the courage to tell my brother. Alhamdulillah, he was supportive and believed me, but things got out of hand when he confronted our uncle.

The confrontation got physical to the point where the police had to be called, and in the end, my worst nightmare became apparent: my parents did not believe me. They accused my brother and I of lying and bringing shame to our family and kicked us out of the house. On top of the trauma of sexual assault, knowing that my parents were not on my side broke my heart.

My brother found a place to stay with his friends, but I couldn’t stay with them, so we got in touch with Nisa Homes who took me in. They didn’t just help me, but also helped my brother and I find a place together, helped him find a job and supported me to finish school.

It’s been a difficult journey, but they have helped me realize that it wasn’t my fault. I got the counselling I needed and now I’m finally learning to love myself!”

*This story is based on a real Nisa Homes’ client. However, details and names have been changed to protect the identities of all involved. *


If you or someone you know is looking for assistance, apply today at nisafoundation.ca/apply.

You can also send us an email at homes@nisafoundation.ca  or call us at +1 (888) 456-8043. If you would like to support Nisa Foundation clients, donate today at nisafoundation.ca/donate.



Meet Shaheen Auckbaraullee, our Interim Executive Director!

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Shaheen Auckbaraullee as Interim Executive Director of Nisa Foundation, effective October 1st, 2024.



Hala’s Story - A Mother’s Journey from Gaza to Canada

Discover Hala’s powerful story of escaping war-torn Gaza with her children, the challenges of resettling in Canada, and how Nisa Foundation is providing vital support to families fleeing crisis. Learn how you can help.



Our Collective Responsibility to Stand Against Injustice

Our advocacy for Palestine, alongside our commitment to serving women locally, reflects our mission to be a voice for those silenced by crisis.

Your donation protects
women & children