Experience the blessings of Ramadan by sponsoring an Iftar for the women and children in our 9 shelters and for clients receiving remote assistance.

Your generosity will provide nourishment and hope to the most vulnerable in our community while earning the reward of feeding a fasting person!

How can you provide the gift of Iftar to fasting women and children in need?

A wholesome, fresh, and nutritious Iftar costs just $15 per person!
Your contribution, in the form of Zakat, Sadaqah, or Fidya, will provide healthy & nourishing meals for women and children at our shelters and clients receiving remote casework, making their Ramadan not only a safe one but also meaningful and memorable!
** Additional funds will be used for food for Zakat eligible clients throughout the year. **
Donate an Iftar

Answering Your Questions

Who receives Fidya?

Anyone who is eligible to receive Zakat is entitled to Fidya.

Why is Fidya $15 per missed fast?

The cost to feed one person with one meal in Canada is $15.

Is my Fidya distributed within Ramadan?

At Nisa Foundation, we aim to distribute all Fidya donations within the month of Ramadan to the poor and needy. Any funds that are not distributed within the month of Ramadan will be distributed to those in need in the weeks following Eid Al-Fitr

When should I pay Fidya?

You must pay Fidya before you miss the fast, if you know you will not be able to make it up. If you will be missing the entire month of Ramadan, you will be paying Fidya for each day of Ramadan.

What if I missed my fast without a valid reason?

Fidya is not payable on fasts that are missed without a valid reason. Instead, a Kaffarah may be due upon you, which could include making up your fast, fasting for 60 days, or feeding 60 people for each missed fast. Please consult your local Imam or scholar for further guidance.

Who has to pay Fidya?

You are required to pay Fidya if you are unable to fast in Ramadan and are not able to make up the lost days afterwards due to prolonged illness, old age or other valid reasons.

How much do I need to give in Zakat al Fitr?

Zakat al Fitr is $15 per person in your family.