June 25, 2024

Aiman’s Story

“One day, after a particularly bad argument with my husband that resulted in him shoving me against the wall, my son turned to me and said, ‘it’s your fault, you know how he is, why would you do that?’

That was my wakeup call. This was my son who would cry every time we argued. Who would console me with hugs and kisses when I cried. Who would try to defend and protect me. Now, at only 10 years old, he not only accepted his father’s treatment of me, but blamed me for it.

This whole time I thought it was better for my children to be with both their parents than to come from a “broken home”. I tried to shield them from the abuse by making excuses, distracting them or putting on a smile and pretending everything was ok. But they knew it wasn’t.

Right at that moment, I decided I had to leave. I called Nisa Homes and they helped me come up with a plan to leave my house safely. Alhamdulillah, although I do share custody of my children with their father, I have them most of the time. Now, the time we spend together is filled with happiness and good memories that I hope will one day erase the bad they had to live through.”  

Muslim women across the country face hardships like this daily. Our goal at Nisa Homes is to be of service to those with nowhere else to go. Sheltering those in need is a just a small part of what we do. Our hope is that every woman that crosses the threshold of our homes has the same opportunity to flourish. With your support, we can make this hope a reality.   Donate today and become the foundation for their success!

*This story is based on a real Nisa Homes’ client. However, details and names have been changed to protect the identities of all involved.


If you or someone you know is looking for assistance, apply today at nisafoundation.ca/apply.

You can also send us an email at homes@nisafoundation.ca or call us at +1 (888) 456-8043. If you would like to support Nisa Foundation clients, donate today at nisafoundation.ca/donate.

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