Your donation protects women & children

This Dhul Hijjah, give Zakat & Sadaqah to provide shelter, mental health counselling and strengthen her in the darkest of days.

Embracing Her Legacy

Motherhood as Resistance  

The stories of the mothers of the believers and the female companions of the Prophet ﷺ exemplifies strength, courage, perseverance, and resilience in the face of adversity and serves as a liberating example for all Muslim women.  These are the characteristics we see in women in our shelters, those seeking support through our helpline, and the women working to grow Nisa Foundation to help thousands of women and children...Her Story is Our Story.
She is courageous like Aasiya (AS) when she faces challenges after leaving an abusive relationship for safety and fights to survive.
She has perseverance like Hajar (RA) when she puts herself through school or starts a business to provide a better life for her children.
She is resilient like Maryam (AS) by working hard to take care of herself and her children and trusting Allah to open doors that she didn’t even know existed.
She is a trailblazer like Khadijah (RA) for managing many roles and responsibilities to strengthen her family and her community.
She is empathetic like Fatima (AS) by giving to others what one loves for themselves, even when she may be in need herself.
She is a devoted mother like Sumayyah bint Khayyat for raising her children with kindness and love despite hardships.
This Dhul Hijjah, Donate Your Zakat/Sadaqah with sincerity to please Allahﷻ and fulfill the needs of your sisters and children who have nowhere else to turn to, and become a part of her story of growth.


Covers the cost of 12 calls from women/girls in distress.


Provides food and necessities for a month for 1 shelter.


Provides shelter & services for a woman and her children.

“There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved
to Allahﷻ than these ten days.”


65% of people in Canada know a woman who has experienced physical, sexual, or emotional abuse1.

These women are not strangers – they are in our community, in our neighbourhoods, in our schools, in our workplaces – and their story intertwines with ours. Her story is our story, and the responsibility for their safety lies with us.   

We, as a community, need to work together to be one ummah like the Prophet ﷺ taught us. This Dhul Hijjah, we need to come together to support the vulnerable, giving them a safe place, trusted guidance and access to resources to start over.

Donate Zakat & Sadaqah


Women &
Children Sheltered


Women & Children
on the Shelter Waitlist


Women & Children Assisted Remotely


Increase in
Helpline Calls


Calls for
Help Received


The Prophet ﷺ said, “The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to people. The most beloved deed to Allah is to make a Muslim happy or remove one of his troubles.”

(Abu Huraira)

Noor’s Story - “It wasn’t easy, but I did it”

"I’ve always been told I have a lovely smile. But behind it, I hid my misery, thoughts of suicide, and sleepless nights filled with tears. I was married for a decade with two children and a seemingly loving husband. But behind closed doors, he was emotionally, verbally, and financially abusive.  

After discovering his affair, I felt crushed and blamed myself. Desperate and without resources, I reached out to an old friend who told me about Nisa Homes. I called them the same day and moved in within a week. The woman who greeted me hugged me and whispered, 'You are not alone!' For the first time, I felt safe.  

With their support, I divorced my husband, found a job, and gained shared custody of my children. Nisa Homes sheltered me, provided food and safety, and reminded me of my strength and resilience.   Now my smile is genuine, and my heart feels full."3

Donate Zakat & Sadaqah

Rania's Call - "I'm a prisoner in my own home"

Rania sat alone in her room, the weight of despair hung heavy on her fragile shoulders. Her son’s respectful demeanor had recently turned hostile, and he was now exploiting her for his own financial gain.    
With trembling hands, she picked up the phone and called Nisa Helpline.    

The counsellor offered Rania practical advice, resources, and instilled a renewed sense of courage and determination to regain control of her life.   Rania’s journey towards independence was not easy, but armed with the resources and guidance from an empathetic counselor she navigated the complexities of legal proceedings and sought refuge in a safe space.4

Did you know, less than 40% of women who experience violence seek help of any sort5. This Dhul Hijjah, your donation provides a lifeline for women like Rania who can ask for help in their time of need.

Donate Today

Calculate Your Zakat

Nisa Foundation is Zakat eligible and commits to distribute your Zakat to those in need to create real change and transformation with transparency and accountability.  

Fulfill your Zakat obligation for the Hijri year 1445 on time and accurately by using our easy-to-use Zakat Calculator. Button: Calculate Your Zakat

Calculate Your Zakat

Schedule Giving with MyTenDays

Automate your Zakat and Sadaqah donations for
10 days of Dhul Hijjah and give more on the Day of Arafah.

Schedule Giving

Nisa Foundation supports Muslim women and children across Canada with culturally sensitive services for those impacted by domestic violence, homelessness, and mental health.

Our Programs

Empowering her with the care she deserves
Safe shelter for women and children
Support is a call away
Prevention and education workshops

Our Core Services

Shelter & Necessities

Prevention & Education

In-home & Remote Casework

Financial Assistance

Children's Program

Mental Health & Spiritual Support

Free & Confidential Helpline

  3. Name, details and photo have been changed to protect the identity and privacy of our clients and callers.